February 26, 2014 Dear Editor: Millions of adults will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year with parties and parades. But it takes more than the luck of the Irish to make sure everyone who observes the holiday gets home safely. That’s why Silver Eagle Distributors, the local Anheuser-Busch distributor, is working with area bars and restaurants to encourage revelers 21 and older to celebrate responsibly and designate a driver or make plans for a safe ride home. Silver Eagle Distributors, in conjunction with the Houston Restaurant Association, will also be implementing programs such as Alert Cab, which helps provide free and discounted rides home for bar and restaurant patrons who may have had too much to drink. Driver’s License guides and We I.D. age calendars will also be used to assist in identifying and preventing those who are underage from purchasing and consuming alcohol. Thanks to efforts like these and increased law enforcement, drunk-driving fatalities have declined 51 percent since 1982, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. We hope Houston–area residents will join us in celebrating responsibly on St. Patrick’s Day, and the weekend prior to it. After all, these are our roads and it’s our shared responsibility to keep them safe. Sincerely, John L. Nau, III President & CEO Silver Eagle Distributors, L.P.