April 20, 2017
Dear Editor:
Over the next two weeks, San Antonians and visitors alike will come together to enjoy more than 100 Fiesta events with family and friends. As part of these celebrations, Silver Eagle Distributors, San Antonio’s local Anheuser-Busch distributor, is asking Fiesta revelers to remember to enjoy responsibly and get home safe no matter where the Fiesta celebration takes you.
Locally, Silver Eagle is working with area bars and restaurants to encourage Fiesta-goers 21 and older to celebrate responsibly by making sure to always designate a driver or make plans for a safe ride home. In conjunction with the San Antonio Restaurant Association, we will be implementing the Alert Cab program, which provides free and discounted rides home for bar and restaurant patrons who may have had too much to drink. Driver’s License guides and We I.D. age calendars will also be used to assist in identifying and preventing those who are underage from purchasing and consuming alcohol.
When making plans to attend your favorite Fiesta event, think ahead and make the choice that keeps both you and the roads safe for everyone. Please use a designated driver, a taxi, ride-sharing service, or VIA Metropolitan Transit if you’ve been celebrating with alcohol.
From everyone at Silver Eagle Distributors, we wish you a fun and safe Fiesta. We also give special thanks to local law enforcement, who will be working overtime during Fiesta to keep our community and roads safe. Let’s all do our part this year, San Antonio, to ‘Fiesta Safe’!
Viva Fiesta!
John L. Nau, III
Chairman & CEO
Silver Eagle Distributors, L.P.