September 14, 2018
This Friday, September 14 employees of Silver Eagle Distributors will celebrate Anheuser-Busch’s ninth annual Global Beer Responsible Day (GBRD) by spreading Budweiser’s alcohol responsibility message: Drink Wiser.
On this day, Anheuser-Busch and Silver Eagle employees will hit the streets to promote the company’s responsible drinking values and recognize those in our communities who make the right choices. This year, the day’s activities will focus on Budweiser’s new responsible drinking campaign, “Drink Wiser,” which promotes two specific behaviors- planning ahead for safe rides and staying hydrated between beers.
The city of Houston is also supporting Anheuser-Busch and Silver Eagle’s alcohol responsibility efforts. This week, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and the Houston City Council passed a proclamation making September 14 Global Beer Responsible Day in the city of Houston. Locally, Silver Eagle Distributors will be participating in GBRD by promoting the day throughout Houston at local grocery and convenience stores, restaurants and bars, and encouraging everyone to Drink Wiser. They have also partnered with Lyft to provide consumers with a $10 Lyft credit, good for $5 off of two Lyft rides during the September 14 weekend. In addition, Silver Eagle has partnered with the Houston Astros to promote GBRD by selecting a Responsible Fan of the Season and recognizing him/her during a third inning presentation.
“All of us at Silver Eagle Distributors are proud to be part of this year’s Global Beer Responsible Day,” said John L. Nau, Chairman and CEO, Silver Eagle Distributors. “We all need to work together to keep our communities safe, not only on September 14, but every day of the year. Global Beer Responsible Day is an opportunity to share this message and the importance of responsible drinking with the Houston community.”
Global Beer Responsible Day, started by Anheuser-Busch in 2010, is a day in which thousands of A-B employees and wholesaler partners educate their communities, including local Houstonians, about alcohol responsibility. Over the past 35 years, Anheuser-Busch and its wholesaler partners, including Silver Eagle Distributors, have invested more than $1 billion in national campaigns and community-based programs to promote alcohol responsibility and prevent drunk driving. Alcohol-related fatalities have decreased 51 percent over this period, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Silver Eagle Distributors takes alcohol responsibility seriously and currently has many programs in place year round to promote responsibility. In addition to the current partnership with Lyft, these programs include Alert Cab, a program, that, in conjunction with the Houston Restaurant Association, helps provide free and discounted taxi rides home to bar and restaurant patrons who may have had too much to drink. Also in place is the We I.D. program, which provides area bars and restaurants with tools to help identify fake I.D.s and prevent the sale of alcohol to minors.
To learn more about these programs, along with Silver Eagle and Anheuser-Busch’s additional alcohol responsibility programs, visit or