SweetWater Tap Takeover – The Friendly Spot

Join us in welcoming SweetWater Brewing Co. to San Antonio for a Tap Takeover!

SweetWater has lassoed up its most popular brews to bring into Texas, starting with its flagship, 420 Extra Pale Ale, on draft coming to bars and restaurants near you.

  • 420 Extra Pale Ale – SweetWater’s 420 is a West Coast style pale ale with big hops and a crisp finish. First brewed on April 20, 1997, 420 is extremely well-balanced which makes it a perfect introduction to a new town – that’s why we say “drink ‘em if you got ‘em!” Rolling out in 6-pack bottles, 12-pack cans and draft.
  • SweetWater IPA – This mammoth India Pale Ale (IPA) is dry-hopped to the gills delivering a kick-you-in-the-teeth hop chop. The brew is unfiltered to leave all the natural flavors intact. Rolling out in 6-pack bottles, 12-pack cans and draft.
  • SweetWater Blue – SweetWater Blue is a unique, lighter-bodied wheat ale enhanced with blueberries.  This ain’t no fruit beer, but it is our breakfast beer, and perfect for hanging on a warm Texas Day. Rolling out in 6-pack bottles and on draft.
  • Take Two Pils – A golden blonde German pilsner brewed with spicy floral hops and a head-first trip down the rabbit hole of lagers. Call us in the morning! Rolling out in 6-pack bottles and draft.
  • SweetWater Tackle Box – The SweetWater Tackle Box variety pack is a hefty 12-pack collection featuring three of SweetWater’s favorite year round brews, along with a fourth catch and release seasonal specialty in each box.

Join us on Monday, February 23, 2015 for a SweetWater Brewing #TapTakeover at The Friendly Spot on 943 S. Alamo from 420pm to 630pm.

Join the conversation on Twitter:  @SABeerExperts  @SweetwaterBrew @TheFriendlySpot #TapTakeover

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